I'm a freak over learning and education! I love to take complex ideas, organize them, put them in a simple understandable way, and then present them to others. Here you will find links to my most current ideas, and to some of my older ones that still have loads to give! Enjoy!
- Teach you the secret to Relaxation and Ultimate Performance.
- Teach you the building blocks to a Safe, Predictable, Fun, High Performance Horse so you can live your dreams.
- Demystify the science behind Response vs Reaction.
- Show how all reactions/responses are negative/fear based or positive/confidence driven. Every stress has the opportunity to feed fear or build confidence.
- Teach a simple brain rewiring technique that changes the brain/body response to stress.
- Look at horses, humans and training from a different point of view, Science, to build ultimate partners and superior athletes.
- Show this works on every breed and for every discipline.
For more details, videos and the most advanced complete information available, please check out Charlotte's Online Course, now available.
Are you ready to skyrocket your understanding, techniques, performance and enjoyment to an entirely new level?
This is a collection of notes I’ve made to myself, often posted on Facebook later.
Introduction to Equine Endotapping for Relaxation. See Step 1 in what you can do with the simple Tapping techniques Charlotte Cannon has refined!
The 3 Big Factors and how Charlotte Cannon's 5 Part Program addresses and 'fixes' them.
A collection of ideas that are constants with our horses and worth more thought. NEW PAGE
Horses and people have a Hierarchy of Needs, specific needs that must be satisfied in a specific order. Understanding these needs, and reading where our horses are in each moment, really benefits in our training process.
1. Safety - SNS, 2. Comfort, 3. Food - SNS/PSNS, 4. Relaxation - PSNS, 5. Play - PSNS
What your horse's behavior can tell us, and the science behind his behavior. Learn about the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems and how they are the key to relaxation, joy and health.
The Vagus Nerve is the key to the Autonomic Nervous System. Stimulating the Vagus Nerve will trigger PSNS. Find 20 ways to stimulate the Vagus Nerve in 20 Hacks To Relax.
We have 4 main positive Hormones/Neurotransmitters in our bodies and our horse's bodies.
Learn how to understand and trigger them!
Perfect balance is the goal for every living thing. Perfect balance insinuates that the body and mind can be relaxed, and the horse will remain balanced, upright and with athletic potential.
Dr Gerd Hershmann is one of the greatest thinkers and teachers of our time. He has written two books, "The Tug of War" and "The Balancing Act", that have enlightened horseman all over the world about equine anatomy. Gerd's concepts of the Upper and Lower Muscle Chains, and their releases, fascinate me.
After studying these ideas, I also noticed a relationship between these and the horse's brain, left side and right side. Plus I noticed the relationship between these and thoughts and emotions held physically within the body.
We all know the sticky white stuff on the outside of a piece of chicken is the connective tissue called fascia. Until recently (like the past 5 years) not much was known about fascia. There were no big studies, no big focus. Now scientists and doctors have figured out fascia is so much more that the white stuff that fills in the space between the important stuff, like organs, bones, muscles, etc. The Fascial System might actually be the most important system in the body.
The mind and body are interconnected. Everything in the mind will manifest in the body, and everything in the body will manifest in the mind. By learning to ‘read’ the body, one can read the mind. Different postures signal different things, both positive and negative, happening in the mind. Every emotion has an embodiment. Every degree out of balance the horse is in body or mind, will bring it out of balance that same amount in the other, creating degrees of fear and anxiety.
Is your horse an introvert or an extrovert? How understanding this help you both understand and connect better!
See what's coming!
This may be the most powerful, yet underrated, exercise I've ever found and used!
Dancing Pete Rhodda creation.
POS with Levy 11/20 https://youtu.be/SX56B43U_DU
POS with Fame 10/21 https://youtu.be/q34DaqGAz1M
POS with Brooks 10/21 https://youtu.be/rOpQqTSo63I
SYWD is an amazing leading exercise to take what the horse offers and shape it. Its all about allowing the horse to express himself, and taking what he offers and making that answer right. It’s fabulous for horses that love to lead, and resist giving that leadership over to people.
It finds the imbalances in your horse. It finds the braced stuck spots in your horse. It lights up both sides of the brain and creates brain integration. So You Wanna Dance, Sheldon #1 Intro https://youtu.be/27qzsY1A57E
So You Wanna Dance, Sheldon #2 Standing Still https://youtu.be/BCE5iG7agK4
So You Wanna Dance, Sheldon #3 Moving
So You Wanna Dance standing still with Brooks https://youtu.be/oPDxKkEv_t0
Turn Turn Turn is a leading exercise that works wonders with horses that are determined to lead, and are explosive. It also works great on herdbound horses that are escalating.
The turning keeps taking the leadership leading position back from the horse in a totally non confrontational way. It doesn’t throw gasoline on his fire. It never tells the horse it is wrong. It allows the horse to offer the leadership to the person, vs the person demanding it.
The turning also has the effect of crossing the feet, which lights up the thinking and learning parts of the brain. The turning bends the horse and turns on Parasympathetic Nervous System. In a simple way we can get the horse settled in his mind and body without ever adding any fuel or amplifying his mood.
Charlotte Cannon’s Equine Tapping is an effective way to relax your horse, rewire your horse’s response to stress, release physical and mental/emotional braces or blocks so that your horse can achieve maximum balance and maximum athletic ability.
Fear -> Curiosity -> Dominance -> Confidence -> Indifference
Track It -> Touch It -> Step On It -> Wear It
Coming Soon
Does your horse wiggle or freeze when you start to tack him or her up to ride?
Does your horse 'pull back', or blow up and buck once the girth has been tightened?
Here is a simple answer to use the Tapping concept to rewire your horse's brain to feeling confidence instead of fear when you bring out the saddle.
After studying the 26 Brain Gym movements created by Drs Paul and Gail Dennison, I was able to apply these to the horse, and figured out how to read which part of the brain he was using, which part needed to be ‘lit up’ to perform the task I desired, and how to integrate his whole brain to get the best performance
Coming Soon
The horse is horse hardwired to mirror its herd for safety. When you are riding, holding the rope or connected at liberty, you and your horse are a herd of two. Do in your body what you want the horse to do in his body. If you are braced, your horse will be braced. If you are relaxed, your horse will be relaxed. By using the PSNS/dancer muscles in our body, we trigger PSNS in ourselves and the horse.
Muscle Chains
Ultimate Relaxation Posture
Tension Posture
Posture and Leadership
Over 20 years ago I met Hall of Fame Horseman, Jerry Stanford, and he started my education about swirls and whorls on horses. It became a fascination of mine, and I set out to learn all I could about swirls and how they influenced learning and behavior.
Since that time I've worked with thousands of horses and their owners, finding ways to not only choose great individuals, but also to unlock the potential hidden inside of them. Understanding the way the mind and body are connected is key to success, especially with horses with swirl patterns that deviate from 'normal'.
I have written everything down, kept detailed notes, and done many training recommendation programs that have helped horses who were floundering, achieve greatness. I've also helped many owners understand their horses better, and set attainable goals for them, keeping life safe and fun.
Today I'm the international authority on Equine Swirls and Whorls, and I coined the term Swirlology to describe this study. I've been nationally and internationally published many times. I've given numerous lectures for large groups and national organizations to get this information out to help horses and their owners be more safe and successful. I am available by appointment to privately 'read' your horse's swirls, and to give you direction on how to develop his potential.
You may download and read 'Swirlology, The Study of Equine Swirls and Whorls, by Charlotte Cannon' to learn more.
Contact me today for more information, CharlotteC68@icloud.com or text 980-722-2828
Looking forward the newest info? Here it is!
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