Perfect balance is the goal for every living thing. Perfect balance insinuates that the body and mind can be relaxed, and the horse will remain balanced, upright and with athletic potential.
The release in the muscles can also release braces held by the mind.
Those braces can seriously affect posture. As the braces release, posture can improve.
Perfect balance is the goal for every living thing. Perfect balance insinuates that the body and mind can be relaxed, and the horse will remain balanced, upright and with athletic potential.
When weaknesses develop, the horse will tighten in other areas to maintain balance. For example when the stifle is weak, the muscle on top of the hip will contract and brace, and the neck will be thick and braced (primarily on the bottom side) higher up toward the poll. The lower the thick muscles in the neck, the stronger the stifle, the higher the weaker. As the stifles are properly conditioned, the tightness and brace can be released from both the front and back of the horse.
It appears braces will manifest in balanced ways front to back. Look for the corresponding brace in the hindquarter if one exists in the neck, and visa versa.
I believe short term emotions and brace are held in the shoulders, and long term in the hindquarters, back, belly and between the front legs. It would seem that to release a significant brace, one must find the root of the brace.
I usually start tapping the mid back. This area connects back to front, long and short term, if your brace is pretty benign, you will often get a big release right away. A moderate brace is usually released by tapping the neck, but the most severe brace will often require tapping the hindquarters first.
Once the horse has dropped its nose to the ground and gone into processing or releasing, just wait for him to finish before moving on. You are finished for the session when you get a large release like blowing out or yawning. You are completely finished when you can tap anywhere on your horse and he will drop his head and completely relax. It may take several sessions before your horse has released enough to find this level of deep relaxation. Braces in body and mind may hold him back, just keep working on him and you will know when your breakthrough has occurred.
Remember with every release, your horse’s proprioceptive system must reboot/realign/rebalance. By taking several sessions to release your horse, you may get a better end result than someone that tries to rush everything at once. It took time to pack all that brace into the body, give the body time to adjust to the new normal.
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