The mind and body are interconnected. Everything in the mind will manifest in the body, and everything in the body will manifest in the mind. By learning to ‘read’ the body, one can read the mind.
The mind and body are interconnected. Everything in the mind will manifest in the body, and everything in the body will manifest in the mind. By learning to ‘read’ the body, one can read the mind. Different postures signal different things, both positive and negative, happening in the mind. Every emotion has an embodiment. Every degree out of balance the horse is in body or mind, will bring it out of balance that same amount in the other, creating degrees of fear and anxiety.
Goal is to stretch or widen the ‘Window of Tolerance’.
- observe behavior and responses (mindfulness) – improve distress tolerance skills, open our window of tolerance
- When we defend against anything, we constrict muscles. Stretching and movement open the heart and mind.
- Hypo (freeze) vs Hyper (flight/fight) arousal -can be outside the window of tolerance either direction
- Work at a pace that feels safe. Too fast can traumatize and close down window.
- The type of Attachment one has made with primary caregiver (mother and/or owner) greatly impacts how confident, connecting and calm
- Secure – easy, good relationships
- Intermittent/Ambivalent – frightened, needy, clingy
- Avoidance – aloof, keeps distance
- Disorganized – intense conflict of emotions, slow under water movements
The body is the railroad to the unconscious. Every emotion has a physical embodiment.
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